Friday, October 12, 2012


Wow! This has been an eventful week. I got a small taste of cyber bullying, had a rude person steal from my trash, and this was all in one night! Todays blog brings the topic of bullying and you know what I mean; you make some comments on cyber space and 2 or 3 people back you up and all the sudden, Hero status for you! People acting rude and uncivil, cutting you off while shopping or driving. The fact I threw away a large area rug and no one came to the door and asked me if they could take it home. I threw the rug away because it had my dog's diarrhea on it (too much to spray off) but no, someone stole it before the trash men could come this morning! I see people making horrible comments on Facebook and Twitter about the upcoming elections! Unfriending, unfollowing, and being down right nasty. America, we've got to realize our lives, values, and habits are NOT the same. In my younger years I would argue politics and get ugly, BUT, NO MORE!! I don't want to be apart of that behavior. Now don't get me wrong I can have the conversation but we have to do so in a respectful manner. I think we are seeing the effects of what I call "the reality TV effect." You know, I am going to tell you off, attack you and you're gonna take it. I am going to tweet about you and spread lies and gossip and you can just shut up!

Al Roker brought up an interesting fact the other morning; he noted  that he does not care for e-invitations. I thought about it and I don't like them either. He noted his family recently missed a birthday because it came via email. Can you imagine The Roker Family email? It got pushed aside and lost in the shuffle. By the way, please tell me you send a physical card when you give your condolences. We live in a day and age that people want you to text them because "How dare you call me!" mentality. We are living among people that sit home and no longer keep vile thoughts and mean attitude to themselves, they are spewing it all over our feeds. Just for today, do me this one favor, before hitting send on ANYTHING today make sure to READ it! REALLY READ how it flows! Do you come off snarky, rude, condescending? Think, Read, Send! At the end of the day, will what you've said be worth it? Will you gain enemies? Lose respect? If you notice, losing friends, respect,  and customers is happening it's just those people are not spewing it all over the internet.

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