Friday, December 28, 2012

East Coast Flair: Endings & Beginnings

East Coast Flair: Endings & Beginnings: I am so glad this year is coming to a fast close. I had a decent year and feel 2013 has some great things in store, but when I look at s...

Endings & Beginnings

I am so glad this year is coming to a fast close. I had a decent year and feel 2013 has some great things in store, but when I look at society as a whole, natural disasters, and the political events, I just sneer my nose. Guys, some of my resolutions are personal and one is half personal but also to help the better of man. People if we don't stop this path we are on, well, I just don't know.

On a much brighter note, we had a bit of a topsy turvy financial year. I had great success with my health and fitness journey. The only medicine I take is to control my asthma, and that is not full time. I bought a size 6 jean at the Gap, and I can really see the muscle tone in my arms starting to form. I got rid of the toxic people in my life, attended the Macys Thanksgiving Parade, and saw Times Square.Lots of things off my bucket list. I just know that many great things are ahead for me in 2013.

2012 truly was The Year of The Dragon!! Safe and Happy New Year, see you in 2013.

Friday, December 21, 2012

East Coast Flair: Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? A...

East Coast Flair: Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? A...: Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? And especially on a cold and windy wintry night. Do you notice that the popcorn is bursti...
Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? And especially on a cold and windy wintry night. Do you notice that the popcorn is bursting from a brown paper bag? I found this nifty idea from a friend of mine on Pinterest. I will tell you, yes, this works and no, we wont buy the microwave stuff ever again. At home we use an air popper but when we travel it's not ideal to pick up every small appliance in the kitchen and take it on the road. We both love popcorn, but let's face it: Sometimes the pre-popped bag stuff has too much sodium, not enough flavor, and can taste stale. So here are some insider tips!:) The brown paper bags you will find at the grocer in the aisle with the foil, Glad freezer bags, and Saran wraps. I did use 1/2 cup or less each time I've done this. Now this tip is IMPORTANT: DO NOT SET YOUR MICROWAVE ON THE POPCORN SETTING. I did this once to see what happens and what happens is you don't get as much corn popped. So I will give you the instructions. Oh yes, and you can find me on Pinterest (Monica Dillow), give me a follow and a shout out.
1) Put 1/2 cup unpopped popcorn in your brown paper bag.
3) Set microwave on high and cook for 3 minutes. Microwaves do vary so if you have time left and your popping is slowing down just hit stop.
4) Season & Enjoy!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

East Coast Flair: Mental Fit Holiday Series

East Coast Flair: Mental Fit Holiday Series: Hi Fit Fans! We are edging in closer to Christmas and I hope your shopping is done and you are gearing up for holiday baking, wrapping, and ...

Mental Fit Holiday Series

Hi Fit Fans! We are edging in closer to Christmas and I hope your shopping is done and you are gearing up for holiday baking, wrapping, and all around fun. This can be an extremely stressful time for married people. In-laws can be a land mine of hostile territory. I have always been envious of those that have good relationships with their in-laws, but for those that don't I'll try to lend a few tips. First when something is said or done that hurts your feelings you need to bring that to light asap. You see, don't let things fester inside you like I did for 14 years because you will say something and when you do it will be the wrong time, on the wrong subject, and to the wrong people. DO NOT argue with your spouse about their family. First you need to realize your spouse PICKED YOU; therefore you know that they love you and want to be with you. But you can talk to your spouse about things that are said and done concerning their family members. It is always best for you and your spouse to be united in this area of your marriage. Try to have fun and remember that this to shall pass. Last, but certainly not least, some people you gotta love from a distance! Have a great holiday everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Mental Wellness for the Holidays

East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Mental Wellness for the Holidays: This week we will focus on less worrying about the whole overeating at parties and family gatherings. I say this: Go With the Flow! If yo...

Fit Friday: Mental Wellness for the Holidays

This week we will focus on less worrying about the whole overeating at parties and family gatherings. I say this: Go With the Flow! If you truly love a special dish and only indulge this one time per year then by all means eat the food. Don't spend needless hours worrying if you will or will not overeat for the holiday. The worry alone will cause you to overeat. You may do better if you decide to try a small bit of all your favorite treats and continue on with healthy eating the following day. This is the rule of thumb I follow at this time. I like to indulge a bit for Christmas and New Years then stay on track the rest of the year. For example, lots of people will have their next binge fest for Super Bowl parties. Eater Beware! A football game is just not worth all the sodium overload and feelings of guilt and remorse the next day. Try this challenge, eat well and exercise (paying close attention to how you feel) then overeat or have a cheat meal and workout that same day or the following day. You will feel that cheat food all in your workout! TRUST ME ON THIS ONE.:)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

East Coast Flair: Oh China Tree, Oh China Tree!!!

East Coast Flair: Oh China Tree, Oh China Tree!!!:  Photo of a tree farm. I remember this scene from my childhood. I know many of you don't know this, but this is the second year Jeff and ...

Oh China Tree, Oh China Tree!!!

 Photo of a tree farm. I remember this scene from my childhood.

I know many of you don't know this, but this is the second year Jeff and I will not have a Christmas tree! (GASP!) Now, now calm down. I'm at a rental house, and don't want to buy a tree. If it were not for my asthma I would have a real tree. A few years ago I bought a fresh wreath to decorate in my home and give off that fresh pine smell. What a mistake for me, I had to put it on a hook and hang on the outside of my door. Oh well, it was put to use.

So.. why this post titled China Tree? Well because I figure most if not ALL of you are reading  this with your FAKE Chinese IMPORT tree all lit up in your family rooms. 85% of synthetic trees are imported from China, which helps SUPPORT TRADE IMABALANCE , doing nothing for the U.S. economy. Manufacturing standards are not equal to the U.S. levels so most of these trees are made of petroleum-based plastics that include hazardous lead. Oh yes, you do the fake tree because your a "Green Home"? Riiight, well that real tree can be made into compost and your fake tree will sit in a landfill for years. How's that "green life" workin out for ya? Also tree farms (unlike most of the food you buy) are small family-owned farms. And don't worry for the tree cut down because in its place two or three seedlings are planted. I hope this blog will change your mind for next years tree, provoke thought, get a positive reaction. If anything put your money where your mouth is: Congress alone will not bring jobs. It takes ALL OF US!!! And it starts with YOU and I SUPPORTING ONE ANOTHER.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

East Coast Flair: Have a Cutoff Date for Shipping Gifts

East Coast Flair: Have a Cutoff Date for Shipping Gifts: Online buyers, BEWARE! In a few short hours EST it will be December 10th and that puts us about 2 full weeks from Christmas holiday. I h...

Have a Cutoff Date for Shipping Gifts

Online buyers, BEWARE! In a few short hours EST it will be December 10th and that puts us about 2 full weeks from Christmas holiday. I have to do some gift shipping this year and was going to make my online shopping deadline date tomorrow, but I got all that out of the way this afternoon. On one of the websites I viewed today there were a few items that today was your cutoff to ensure a December 25th delivery. I do not enjoy procrastination, I don't care what I'm dealing with; I just want to get it over already. If you want to stay calm and have more time for mental peace just be sure to wrap up those shipping tasks this week. You may wait and all may end well, but the price you pay may just keep you up at night. The shipping cost can become pretty steep this time of year as companies guarantee Mom gets that gift in time (at your pathetic expense). So if you must, just get it out of the way already. Think about the receiver and pick the present. Think of things they do and enjoy and make a valuable choice. I suggest completing online transactions by Wednesday because the cost for shipping should still be fairly decent. Just a friendly reminder too, Christmas Day is on a Tuesday so you'll have that sticky Sunday situated in there for travel time.

East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Taking Care of our Mental Health durin...

East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Taking Care of our Mental Health durin...: So often during the holidays we focus on the food we eat but so much of that can be handled by taking care of our mental health during t...

Fit Friday: Taking Care of our Mental Health during the Holidays

So often during the holidays we focus on the food we eat but so much of that can be handled by taking care of our mental health during these times. Not only is what we eat controlled by our taste buds but our thoughts control cravings and can derail any well made nutritional plan. So, let's consider some tough situations during these times. You're in a hurry, out of patience and worried all in one. Just take a moment to BREATHE, have you ever considered that life is going to happen either way? Each day you should be taking six deep breaths. It's not that time consuming and just gives you enough time to collect your thoughts and slow down that racing mind.

Monday, December 3, 2012

East Coast Flair: I Hate Heels!

East Coast Flair: I Hate Heels!: Am I the only woman that hates heels? I like the wedge or a kitten heel, but honestly the stilettos that have been in fashion for so lon...

I Hate Heels!

Am I the only woman that hates heels? I like the wedge or a kitten heel, but honestly the stilettos that have been in fashion for so long are not me. I see women on Pinterest pinning cute outfits and at first I would repin or hit like if I liked the outfit, but I stopped! If the shoes are a deal breaker I just step away from the mousepad! But honestly, I don't think I am alone. Do you know why? I rarely see women walking around wobbling from side to side in my everyday life. I do see several women in some cute boots, but rarely do they have an extreme heel. When my husband and I are behind a woman with high heels I just look at him and do the "eye roll". I do this not out of jealousy but to let him know lets go around her first chance. These women are clicking, clacking, stomping, and attempting to take strides only to be headed nowhere fast. You ever get behind one of these women? Snails! Lots of effort, but no results. I've noticed some flats coming onto the fashion seen here and there and thats ok too. I just am over the whole 5 inch heel days. Not to mention but as in the photo example, don't you think they tend to look a bit "clownish" at times? That's all!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series

East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series: Do like yogurt? Do you pay attention to the nutritional information of your favorite brand or do you just "eat it be...