East Coast Flair is an evolving lifestyle, opinion, and advice blog created by Monica Dillow to give you a peek into the mind and antics of one Midwestern East Coast transplant.
Friday, December 28, 2012
East Coast Flair: Endings & Beginnings
East Coast Flair: Endings & Beginnings: I am so glad this year is coming to a fast close. I had a decent year and feel 2013 has some great things in store, but when I look at s...
Endings & Beginnings
I am so glad this year is coming to a fast close. I had a decent year and feel 2013 has some great things in store, but when I look at society as a whole, natural disasters, and the political events, I just sneer my nose. Guys, some of my resolutions are personal and one is half personal but also to help the better of man. People if we don't stop this path we are on, well, I just don't know.
On a much brighter note, we had a bit of a topsy turvy financial year. I had great success with my health and fitness journey. The only medicine I take is to control my asthma, and that is not full time. I bought a size 6 jean at the Gap, and I can really see the muscle tone in my arms starting to form. I got rid of the toxic people in my life, attended the Macys Thanksgiving Parade, and saw Times Square.Lots of things off my bucket list. I just know that many great things are ahead for me in 2013.
2012 truly was The Year of The Dragon!! Safe and Happy New Year, see you in 2013.
Friday, December 21, 2012
East Coast Flair: Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? A...
East Coast Flair: Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? A...: Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? And especially on a cold and windy wintry night. Do you notice that the popcorn is bursti...
Hey Fit Folks! Doesn't that popcorn look delish? And especially on a cold and windy wintry night. Do you notice that the popcorn is bursting from a brown paper bag? I found this nifty idea from a friend of mine on Pinterest. I will tell you, yes, this works and no, we wont buy the microwave stuff ever again. At home we use an air popper but when we travel it's not ideal to pick up every small appliance in the kitchen and take it on the road. We both love popcorn, but let's face it: Sometimes the pre-popped bag stuff has too much sodium, not enough flavor, and can taste stale. So here are some insider tips!:) The brown paper bags you will find at the grocer in the aisle with the foil, Glad freezer bags, and Saran wraps. I did use 1/2 cup or less each time I've done this. Now this tip is IMPORTANT: DO NOT SET YOUR MICROWAVE ON THE POPCORN SETTING. I did this once to see what happens and what happens is you don't get as much corn popped. So I will give you the instructions. Oh yes, and you can find me on Pinterest (Monica Dillow), give me a follow and a shout out.
1) Put 1/2 cup unpopped popcorn in your brown paper bag.
3) Set microwave on high and cook for 3 minutes. Microwaves do vary so if you have time left and your popping is slowing down just hit stop.
4) Season & Enjoy!!!
1) Put 1/2 cup unpopped popcorn in your brown paper bag.
3) Set microwave on high and cook for 3 minutes. Microwaves do vary so if you have time left and your popping is slowing down just hit stop.
4) Season & Enjoy!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
East Coast Flair: Mental Fit Holiday Series
East Coast Flair: Mental Fit Holiday Series: Hi Fit Fans! We are edging in closer to Christmas and I hope your shopping is done and you are gearing up for holiday baking, wrapping, and ...
Mental Fit Holiday Series
Hi Fit Fans! We are edging in closer to Christmas and I hope your shopping is done and you are gearing up for holiday baking, wrapping, and all around fun. This can be an extremely stressful time for married people. In-laws can be a land mine of hostile territory. I have always been envious of those that have good relationships with their in-laws, but for those that don't I'll try to lend a few tips. First when something is said or done that hurts your feelings you need to bring that to light asap. You see, don't let things fester inside you like I did for 14 years because you will say something and when you do it will be the wrong time, on the wrong subject, and to the wrong people. DO NOT argue with your spouse about their family. First you need to realize your spouse PICKED YOU; therefore you know that they love you and want to be with you. But you can talk to your spouse about things that are said and done concerning their family members. It is always best for you and your spouse to be united in this area of your marriage. Try to have fun and remember that this to shall pass. Last, but certainly not least, some people you gotta love from a distance! Have a great holiday everyone!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Mental Wellness for the Holidays
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Mental Wellness for the Holidays: This week we will focus on less worrying about the whole overeating at parties and family gatherings. I say this: Go With the Flow! If yo...
Fit Friday: Mental Wellness for the Holidays
This week we will focus on less worrying about the whole overeating at parties and family gatherings. I say this: Go With the Flow! If you truly love a special dish and only indulge this one time per year then by all means eat the food. Don't spend needless hours worrying if you will or will not overeat for the holiday. The worry alone will cause you to overeat. You may do better if you decide to try a small bit of all your favorite treats and continue on with healthy eating the following day. This is the rule of thumb I follow at this time. I like to indulge a bit for Christmas and New Years then stay on track the rest of the year. For example, lots of people will have their next binge fest for Super Bowl parties. Eater Beware! A football game is just not worth all the sodium overload and feelings of guilt and remorse the next day. Try this challenge, eat well and exercise (paying close attention to how you feel) then overeat or have a cheat meal and workout that same day or the following day. You will feel that cheat food all in your workout! TRUST ME ON THIS ONE.:)
Thursday, December 13, 2012
East Coast Flair: Oh China Tree, Oh China Tree!!!
East Coast Flair: Oh China Tree, Oh China Tree!!!: Photo of a tree farm. I remember this scene from my childhood. I know many of you don't know this, but this is the second year Jeff and ...
Oh China Tree, Oh China Tree!!!
I know many of you don't know this, but this is the second year Jeff and I will not have a Christmas tree! (GASP!) Now, now calm down. I'm at a rental house, and don't want to buy a tree. If it were not for my asthma I would have a real tree. A few years ago I bought a fresh wreath to decorate in my home and give off that fresh pine smell. What a mistake for me, I had to put it on a hook and hang on the outside of my door. Oh well, it was put to use.
So.. why this post titled China Tree? Well because I figure most if not ALL of you are reading this with your FAKE Chinese IMPORT tree all lit up in your family rooms. 85% of synthetic trees are imported from China, which helps SUPPORT TRADE IMABALANCE , doing nothing for the U.S. economy. Manufacturing standards are not equal to the U.S. levels so most of these trees are made of petroleum-based plastics that include hazardous lead. Oh yes, you do the fake tree because your a "Green Home"? Riiight, well that real tree can be made into compost and your fake tree will sit in a landfill for years. How's that "green life" workin out for ya? Also tree farms (unlike most of the food you buy) are small family-owned farms. And don't worry for the tree cut down because in its place two or three seedlings are planted. I hope this blog will change your mind for next years tree, provoke thought, get a positive reaction. If anything put your money where your mouth is: Congress alone will not bring jobs. It takes ALL OF US!!! And it starts with YOU and I SUPPORTING ONE ANOTHER.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
East Coast Flair: Have a Cutoff Date for Shipping Gifts
East Coast Flair: Have a Cutoff Date for Shipping Gifts: Online buyers, BEWARE! In a few short hours EST it will be December 10th and that puts us about 2 full weeks from Christmas holiday. I h...
Have a Cutoff Date for Shipping Gifts
Online buyers, BEWARE! In a few short hours EST it will be December 10th and that puts us about 2 full weeks from Christmas holiday. I have to do some gift shipping this year and was going to make my online shopping deadline date tomorrow, but I got all that out of the way this afternoon. On one of the websites I viewed today there were a few items that today was your cutoff to ensure a December 25th delivery. I do not enjoy procrastination, I don't care what I'm dealing with; I just want to get it over already. If you want to stay calm and have more time for mental peace just be sure to wrap up those shipping tasks this week. You may wait and all may end well, but the price you pay may just keep you up at night. The shipping cost can become pretty steep this time of year as companies guarantee Mom gets that gift in time (at your pathetic expense). So if you must, just get it out of the way already. Think about the receiver and pick the present. Think of things they do and enjoy and make a valuable choice. I suggest completing online transactions by Wednesday because the cost for shipping should still be fairly decent. Just a friendly reminder too, Christmas Day is on a Tuesday so you'll have that sticky Sunday situated in there for travel time.
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Taking Care of our Mental Health durin...
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Taking Care of our Mental Health durin...: So often during the holidays we focus on the food we eat but so much of that can be handled by taking care of our mental health during t...
Fit Friday: Taking Care of our Mental Health during the Holidays
So often during the holidays we focus on the food we eat but so much of that can be handled by taking care of our mental health during these times. Not only is what we eat controlled by our taste buds but our thoughts control cravings and can derail any well made nutritional plan. So, let's consider some tough situations during these times. You're in a hurry, out of patience and worried all in one. Just take a moment to BREATHE, have you ever considered that life is going to happen either way? Each day you should be taking six deep breaths. It's not that time consuming and just gives you enough time to collect your thoughts and slow down that racing mind.
Monday, December 3, 2012
East Coast Flair: I Hate Heels!
East Coast Flair: I Hate Heels!: Am I the only woman that hates heels? I like the wedge or a kitten heel, but honestly the stilettos that have been in fashion for so lon...
I Hate Heels!
Am I the only woman that hates heels? I like the wedge or a kitten heel, but honestly the stilettos that have been in fashion for so long are not me. I see women on Pinterest pinning cute outfits and at first I would repin or hit like if I liked the outfit, but I stopped! If the shoes are a deal breaker I just step away from the mousepad! But honestly, I don't think I am alone. Do you know why? I rarely see women walking around wobbling from side to side in my everyday life. I do see several women in some cute boots, but rarely do they have an extreme heel. When my husband and I are behind a woman with high heels I just look at him and do the "eye roll". I do this not out of jealousy but to let him know lets go around her first chance. These women are clicking, clacking, stomping, and attempting to take strides only to be headed nowhere fast. You ever get behind one of these women? Snails! Lots of effort, but no results. I've noticed some flats coming onto the fashion seen here and there and thats ok too. I just am over the whole 5 inch heel days. Not to mention but as in the photo example, don't you think they tend to look a bit "clownish" at times? That's all!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series: Do like yogurt? Do you pay attention to the nutritional information of your favorite brand or do you just "eat it be...
Friday, November 30, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series: Do like yogurt? Do you pay attention to the nutritional information of your favorite brand or do you just "eat it be...
Fit Friday Series
Do like yogurt? Do you pay attention to the nutritional information of your favorite brand or do you just "eat it because I know it's healthy?" Well, if the latter is your response you just may be in for some sticker shock! I thought I'd found a brand I could live with, well, three brands. I normally go for Fage, Chiboni, or Voskos because I like what I've seen on the label. But did you know that yogurt can be as bad as a candy bar? By that I mean you must watch the sugar grams. Some of that greek yogurt out there that's paired with fruit can pack a whooping 21 grams of sugar! Considering the size of the container that is just too high a price for me to pay. While shopping the yogurt department ( I keep Fage 0% unflavored around to sub for sour cream) I came across the crown jewel of yougurt (I think!) Siggi's Icelandic Style Skyr it has 0%milkfat, 100 calories, 14g protein, and only 9g of sugar!!! That is great, just what I ordered. I have been eating yogurt as a treat item, but with this brand and using weights as I've been I can see me adding this as a regular snack in my day. Above I posted pictures of the container for you so you can find this or ask your local grocer to carry. I also wanted you to see the nutritional info yourselves. This will be the last post in 2012 that focuses on the food aspect of being fit. In order to truly be fit you must meet certain mental criteria and I will bring some topics to touch base on that health aspect for my readers. This time of year can be extremely stressful and I want my fit fanatics to be all around fit. Now go out there and make it a fit week all over again.
Friday, November 23, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series: The above photo was taken from the menu at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square. In the past I have enjoyed a burger or two at Hard Rock Ca...
Fit Friday Series
The above photo was taken from the menu at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square. In the past I have enjoyed a burger or two at Hard Rock Cafe, but never did I see the calorie count beside the food item! Thank You Mayor Bloomberg! Look, this guy has taken some hard criticism on being the "food police", but someone HAS to do the job! I had NO IDEA this place unloads a burger on your plate that packs well over 1,000 calories. Most burgers had my calorie quota for the day or just about my quota for the day! The calorie count in the above photo is 2,805 cal and is only a member of the appetizer lineup. The item below (as you can see) has 2,047 cal and is also an appetizer. Now let's say Jeff did not have to be gluten free, that is still too many calories to split between two people. So Fit Friday lovers? What did we do? Jeff had a steak and could only eat half! The mashed potatoes had too much garlic, his steak was dry and lacked flavor. I asked for a grilled chicken breast that arrived pink and tasted like smoke! Needless to say we did not pay for the entire meal thanks to our waitress. So, here's the warning: Don't eat there, the food is terrible and overpriced, if you do eat somewhere like that do as I did: request your own items a la carte. The restaurant will more than likely be willing to meet your request. Ask for iced tea as a drink, order it unsweet and then you can lightly sweeten yourself. I suggest tea over water because I have a hangup about drinking tap water. Sorry, it's a thing I have! So, just run around and shop all you want, travel if you will and above all Stay Fit!
East Coast Flair: Thanksgiving Day in NYC
East Coast Flair: Thanksgiving Day in NYC: Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and this finds you doing well and looking forward to the holiday season. This was our sec...
Thanksgiving Day in NYC
Friday, November 16, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Ok for todays series we will discuss butter. You know how I preach about the ingredient list on your foods? Well, butter is a good place...
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Ok for todays series we will discuss butter. You know how I preach about the ingredient list on your foods? Well, butter is a good place...
Fit Friday
Ok for todays series we will discuss butter. You know how I preach about the ingredient list on your foods? Well, butter is a good place to start and a PERFECT example of what I am talking about. I wont drop names but most widely sold big name spreads and sticks have ingredients in them that are far cry of butter and what you need to have butter. Pay a bit more for the butter and rid yourself of monopoly-what the heck am I reading stuff!!! Dig around in the butter section, it takes time but you will change brands, taste more flavor and thank me for getting the chemicals and poison from your refrigerator. Oh yes, keep salted and unsalted varieties in stick form. Most recipes call for unsalted butter. Now, make that grocery list and when you arrive with your cart take your time to- READ THE LABELS! Have a great Friday everyone.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
East Coast Flair: Take time out to help one another.
East Coast Flair: Take time out to help one another.: Hello Everyone! I know we get sick of the shameless sales push this time of year but supporting a charity is something I hope you don't mi...
Take time out to help one another.
Hello Everyone! I know we get sick of the shameless sales push this time of year but supporting a charity is something I hope you don't mind me mentioning today. Above is the logo for one of our favorite charities. Many need our help all year round, but at this time of year organizations push harder for donations for various reasons. Allow me this one favor, before doing your holiday shopping this year sit down with your family and discuss what's important and where you'd like to help make a difference before 2012 comes to an end. Without our help many things could not be accomplished on a daily basis. I know you will have gifts under the tree, but feel good on the inside knowing your family gave an extra special gift this year!
Friday, November 9, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday Series: Hello! It's Fit Friday and you know what that means! You're setting yourself up for a fitabulous weekend. So today I was thinking about the ...
Fit Friday Series
Hello! It's Fit Friday and you know what that means! You're setting yourself up for a fitabulous weekend. So today I was thinking about the fit posts in the past and realized that so many of you face the same problems when on the go. How do I eat and what do I eat when on the go? At the mall and my only option is the Foodcourt. All the travel that is about to take place and maybe you want to know what to pack or what you should buy. Foodcourts are easy, I give a full ok to Subway and Chick Fil A. You can enjoy the large Chicken Noodle soup at Chick Fil A for around 240 calories and a 12 count nugget is a mere 400 calories. Here is a link to check out the nutrition info yourselves (I will warn you that Chick Fil A website was having issues the day I wrote this.) http://www.chick-fil-a.com/Food/Menu
Don't be afraid of the salads at Subway; they are delicious and quite filling.
Below I show some photos of snack friendly products that are staples in our pantry. Not only are the serving sizes 200 calories or below on these products, they are all natural, gluten free and you CAN pronounce the ingredient list. Honestly, I know I sound like a broken record, but the LEAST amount of ingredients and your ability to pronounce what is in your food is KEY to weight loss goals.
Don't be afraid of the salads at Subway; they are delicious and quite filling.
Below I show some photos of snack friendly products that are staples in our pantry. Not only are the serving sizes 200 calories or below on these products, they are all natural, gluten free and you CAN pronounce the ingredient list. Honestly, I know I sound like a broken record, but the LEAST amount of ingredients and your ability to pronounce what is in your food is KEY to weight loss goals.
Friday, November 2, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Oh no! The red cups have arrived at Starbucks and with that my beloved Gingerbread Latte! Oh well, I just need to continue my workouts a...
Fit Friday
Oh no! The red cups have arrived at Starbucks and with that my beloved Gingerbread Latte! Oh well, I just need to continue my workouts and make room to have my occasional favorite drink. So... we are approaching another weekend and need to still burn baby burn!!! For the majority of East Coasters we have an array of activities outside the home to work off weight and do a good deed. For those hit by Sandy you can help shovel snow (if you are in the Appalachian mountain area). For my true East Coasters (you all know you have a special place in my heart) oh my, so much to be done! Here's a list to get you started: cleaning up debris, working in a shelter, checking on your friends, neighbors and loved ones. Drink plenty of clean water, stay warm, look out for one another and take care!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
East Coast Flair: Thoughts and Prayers
East Coast Flair: Thoughts and Prayers: Today I am writing my post with a bit of a heavy heart. As you know Hurricane Sandy came up the coast and turned world's upside down. My ...
Thoughts and Prayers
Today I am writing my post with a bit of a heavy heart. As you know Hurricane Sandy came up the coast and turned world's upside down. My husband made it through the storm safely and so did our home in New Jersey, most people I know survived Sandy also. With a storm like this so many people have been effected in ways that are unimaginable at this time. My hats go off to all electric company linemen, first responders, neighborhood heroes, and all that have stepped up from the norm to bring some normalcy back into the lives of those hit by the storm. Continue to pray and if you cannot get to an area of devastation just know the American Red Cross does accept donations. I am providing you with the link so you can feel free to donate to the recovery and thanks so much for thoughts and prayers for me and my family at this time. http://redcross.org
Friday, October 26, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Take it day by day one small step at a time. Just a few days ago I told you to throw away the Ranch dressing, park farther away from the ...
Fit Friday
Take it day by day one small step at a time. Just a few days ago I told you to throw away the Ranch dressing, park farther away from the door and get moving. What advice can I give to make this a fit Friday and punch up the challenge for the weekend? I have a few ideas, never fear! Get out there and rake those leaves and I don't want to hear it's getting too cold outside. The colder the temp makes it perfect for outdoor activities. Continue your hydration rituals and consider adding some hot green tea to your morning breakfast. What?! Breakfast? Ok, tell me you are eating breakfast? Oh yes, you're skipping to save on calories aren't you? Well, I tried this for years myself and I also said eating breakfast made me fat! Ha! It will make you fat when you eat the wrong things. So, to start each morning right allow me to give you a few suggestions for that a.m. meal. Steel cut oats, I say steel cut because they are not processed as much as your traditional types. Two strips bacon 1 egg 1 egg white, One seving greek yogurt with mixed berries. That's just a few suggestions to get you rolling. By the way I want you to be cautious in your serving sizes too. Be sure to top oats with cinnamon, it's delicious and I'm doing you a huge favor. I am always available for questions if you have any. You can reach me via email. at monicadillow@gmail.com
Thursday, October 25, 2012
East Coast Flair: D' Souza, 2016:Obama's America, and my view
East Coast Flair: D' Souza, 2016:Obama's America, and my view: I was not going to review this movie because I know everyone is sick of the political rhetoric but since I discovered the downward spiral ...
D' Souza, 2016:Obama's America, and my view
I was not going to review this movie because I know everyone is sick of the political rhetoric but since I discovered the downward spiral on D' Souza I felt I must give my opinion on the documentary and the smear campaign. Well, I rented the documentary 2016:Obama's America a couple of weeks ago on Vudu. It's a documentary in which D' Souza gives you theories about what he thinks President Obama is trying to accomplish during his Presidency. Pictured above is D' Souza and one of Barack Obama's half brothers that D' Souza interviews during the filming. The film discussed President Obama's father quite a bit because he theorizes that President Obama holds his fathers government ideologies as his own. Here's where it went too far for me. This D' Souza goes as far as to show President Obama's fathers grave in the film, which I find distasteful. I just think if you want to talk President Obama down, do it, but leave the dead out of the discussion. Especially, a parent. The documentary was boring and tedious for viewing at times, but I feel good that I watched and listened to his far fetched theories because no one can say I'm closed-minded or will not hear out the other side.
Now here's the thing: being a republican, conservative, a right-winger, or whatever you call yourself is fine. But, here's where the slippery slope begins, PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES CAN'T THROW STONES. D' Souza threw rocks all over Obama'a fathers house and now look at him. D' Souza the man behind the documentary and author of two hate venom filled books against President Obama is now under scrutiny for having a wife and mistress at the same time. He's stepped down from his position at The King's College a christian based college, allegations are being brought that he hid $90,000 in an account in India from his wife, IRS, and others.
We are human not perfect and not without fault. We need to stop tearing people down and digging up dirt and attempt to HONESTLY solve problems. Stop demonizing other opinions, social class, race, religion, and anything that makes us different. It has been said time and time again,'what goes around comes around'. Each word and action we put out the Universe is bringing it right back (to you!). All good and all evil will come back to its origin.
Now here's the thing: being a republican, conservative, a right-winger, or whatever you call yourself is fine. But, here's where the slippery slope begins, PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES CAN'T THROW STONES. D' Souza threw rocks all over Obama'a fathers house and now look at him. D' Souza the man behind the documentary and author of two hate venom filled books against President Obama is now under scrutiny for having a wife and mistress at the same time. He's stepped down from his position at The King's College a christian based college, allegations are being brought that he hid $90,000 in an account in India from his wife, IRS, and others.
We are human not perfect and not without fault. We need to stop tearing people down and digging up dirt and attempt to HONESTLY solve problems. Stop demonizing other opinions, social class, race, religion, and anything that makes us different. It has been said time and time again,'what goes around comes around'. Each word and action we put out the Universe is bringing it right back (to you!). All good and all evil will come back to its origin.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Only 68 Days Remain!
Sixty eight days remain to reach your goals for 2012. Are you there already? Half way? Given up? If you are half way, depending on the goal you may amp up the activity and still reach your goal. Don't dare give up! If you took the time to start the work then you felt you and the goal were worth it at some point. I've reached MOST of my goals for 2012. One of the remaining goals is 15 pounds. I will do this! I know I can handle the pressure. I know January is approaching and many will do the weight loss goal then, but let me remind you: Start now! You will thank me for this in January. After those all or nothing binges you will find it hard and distracting to just "dive right in". Start now, start small, but by all means: START! Here are a few EASY starters YOU CAN do right now: Lower your intake of ALL sugary drinks by one per week. Step AWAY from the Ranch dressing. People, Ranch is overrated and numbing your taste buds! Get rid of it. Park AWAY from the door, take the steps, and get your body moving.
Friday, October 19, 2012
East Coast Flair: BE the Change You Want to See Republicans AND Demo...
East Coast Flair: BE the Change You Want to See Republicans AND Demo...: I must admit Mitt Romney was right and maybe too kind when he said 47% of the population will not take responsibility for themselves. I thin...
BE the Change You Want to See Republicans AND Democrats.
I must admit Mitt Romney was right and maybe too kind when he said 47% of the population will not take responsibility for themselves. I think that statement has been taken out of context and used too often against him, but isn't that what our media and society feeds on? I will not reveal who I am voting for, but people that know me already know that answer. What I am going to do is maybe upset you after reading this post. I've heard so much bickering and complaining during this election that I think it could last me a lifetime! Allow me now to turn the tables on you and explain that 47% was a kind number.
Let's break it down and get REAL! I've lived through (and I'm listing the ones I remember during my life) Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and now Obama and none of them have ever had a huge impact directly on my life. I liked and didn't like things about all of them. Things are fuzzy memories with Carter and Reagan because I was too young to remember, but as a child you hear the talk among adults. Not during any Presidency have I felt unsafe against a terrorist, I don't feel like any President has ruled the outcome of my job outlook (outsourcing plays a role and not just one man is not in control of that). We payed taxes the first year we were married and still do. And let me get you straight on this; paying taxes happens when you file and at the end of your paper work it says YOU OWE!!! Yes, they take a payroll tax out on people but, then give them a refund! How nice for you.
I don't focus on those on welfare, food stamps, or any form of public assistance! I'm far too busy running my own household. I also know that I don't know every person's story. Stop judging people! You all sound like jealous school children. Do you really want to see change? I think it may serve us well to start with a grass root movement with our local and state government. We need more education, training, and information. In order for a society to truly thrive we need to have educated and informed citizens. The higher the education level you will see more tolerance and civility. If you're bitter over a lazy relative on welfare or food stamps then turn them in or shut your mouth. Don't judge all of society with your lazy relatives, thank you.
My point is, what are you doing to take your life into your own hands? How are you getting unemployment numbers down in your area? Are you involved in the education system? What are you involved in that may make a decent impact in the areas you're busy complaining about?
Let's break it down and get REAL! I've lived through (and I'm listing the ones I remember during my life) Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and now Obama and none of them have ever had a huge impact directly on my life. I liked and didn't like things about all of them. Things are fuzzy memories with Carter and Reagan because I was too young to remember, but as a child you hear the talk among adults. Not during any Presidency have I felt unsafe against a terrorist, I don't feel like any President has ruled the outcome of my job outlook (outsourcing plays a role and not just one man is not in control of that). We payed taxes the first year we were married and still do. And let me get you straight on this; paying taxes happens when you file and at the end of your paper work it says YOU OWE!!! Yes, they take a payroll tax out on people but, then give them a refund! How nice for you.
I don't focus on those on welfare, food stamps, or any form of public assistance! I'm far too busy running my own household. I also know that I don't know every person's story. Stop judging people! You all sound like jealous school children. Do you really want to see change? I think it may serve us well to start with a grass root movement with our local and state government. We need more education, training, and information. In order for a society to truly thrive we need to have educated and informed citizens. The higher the education level you will see more tolerance and civility. If you're bitter over a lazy relative on welfare or food stamps then turn them in or shut your mouth. Don't judge all of society with your lazy relatives, thank you.
My point is, what are you doing to take your life into your own hands? How are you getting unemployment numbers down in your area? Are you involved in the education system? What are you involved in that may make a decent impact in the areas you're busy complaining about?
Fit Friday!!!!!
Fit Friday is here and I want to do a product review today. I love peanut butter but I sure don't love the calories involved. That's why I only add 1 tablespoon to my shakes or dip my apple in that same amount. Two tablespoons of peanut butter runs you 180 calories with 17 grams of fat ( I am quoting this from the label of Kettle Brand All Natural Almond Butter). See photo below
This is what I bought in the past and would make sure to limit the serving amount per use to save on calories. But now a new dawn is about to age!! The PB2 era has arrived in my eating regimen. Yay!! Viva PB2!! Below I will post photos of the flavors that arrived on our doorstep today. See below:
I bought this version of peanut butter via a site called Vitacost.com
You can also find this product at bellplantation.com
This product can be added to your favorite protein shake or you can use 2 tablespoons mixed with 1 tablespoon water to make a nice creamy spread. I will use this product both ways. And the best part? 45 calories for 2 tablespoons and only 1.5 grams of fat (a mere 1 gram of fat for the chocolate flavored). I just want to share that in each version (original on the left and chocolate on right) you will be able to pronounce all the ingredients and KNOW what they are. I was using all natural nut butters for this very reason. Just to give you a challenge from this Fit Friday series, go to the pantry later and ATTEMPT to read the ingredients of the peanut butter you are currently ingesting! You will be surprised. Do yourself a favor and go with a natural or powdered version. My Mom eats what I call "imitation peanut butter" haha!! I call it that because the companies throw in a few items that don't need to be there. Peanut butter should be a simple ingredient list that is easily read. Give this or a natural version a try in the future. Until next week, keep moving, hydrated and above all be Fit on Fridays!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
East Coast Flair: Pet Questions,things to ponder.
East Coast Flair: Pet Questions,things to ponder.: Well, so many people think a pet makes a great birthday or Christmas gift and that can be the case. I just hope before you make such a decis...
Pet Questions,things to ponder.
Well, so many people think a pet makes a great birthday or Christmas gift and that can be the case. I just hope before you make such a decision you know you are making a choice that may be around for years to come and you need the finances to back that choice. Sometimes that Christmas puppy is not the best plan because Christmas can be loud, scary and dangerous for dogs. Also you need to realize "dogs don't have problems, dogs have PEOPLE problems." I get very angry when I hear people complain "how dumb that dog is" when the REAL PROBLEM comes in your laziness to not train the dog. You don't want the dog to chew the socks? Well, don't allow them to "play" with the sock when they are puppies. Puppies become dogs and just like children need to be taught. A sock will always be a toy IF you start it out that way.
Oh yes, another sentence I hear and just cringe,"we bought them a pony." Wait, what? Now, did I hear that correctly? How sweet, an animal most know nothing about and not to mention costs quite a bit to feed. Let me get this straight, you bought something that needs quite a bit of care? Don't get me wrong gang, I know little to nothing about the equine, but what I do know is, their feet need care, don't feed them hay that is or has been wet, and they must eat (quite a bit I might add). Then here we are just a month or two down the road and Johnny or Susie isn't riding that pony anymore. Did I mention the family can't afford to feed the pony? Exactly! Take those children to the zoo folks. At the zoo you can have a great family experience and use it as a learning tool.
The moral of my story today: Animals are great! Heck it's been proven they can be therapeutic, but they need your time, care, and financial support. These needs are not temporary or short fleeting because these needs exist throughout the life of the animal. With that said, possibly the stuffed teddy bear is looking like an excellent choice right now.
Oh yes, another sentence I hear and just cringe,"we bought them a pony." Wait, what? Now, did I hear that correctly? How sweet, an animal most know nothing about and not to mention costs quite a bit to feed. Let me get this straight, you bought something that needs quite a bit of care? Don't get me wrong gang, I know little to nothing about the equine, but what I do know is, their feet need care, don't feed them hay that is or has been wet, and they must eat (quite a bit I might add). Then here we are just a month or two down the road and Johnny or Susie isn't riding that pony anymore. Did I mention the family can't afford to feed the pony? Exactly! Take those children to the zoo folks. At the zoo you can have a great family experience and use it as a learning tool.
The moral of my story today: Animals are great! Heck it's been proven they can be therapeutic, but they need your time, care, and financial support. These needs are not temporary or short fleeting because these needs exist throughout the life of the animal. With that said, possibly the stuffed teddy bear is looking like an excellent choice right now.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
East Coast Flair: Warm Weather Endings
East Coast Flair: Warm Weather Endings: We can still plan on Indian Summer to get out and finish up some outdoor activities but I like to tie the loose ends while I know the weathe...
Warm Weather Endings
We can still plan on Indian Summer to get out and finish up some outdoor activities but I like to tie the loose ends while I know the weather is warm. For example, today was so beautiful with a nice breeze. I was able to be lazy on the porch but tomorrow I need to do one last tidy up just in case fall gets cold and stays that way. When the sun is brightly shining I find it perfect to clean those windows inside and out, clean porches, and hand sparkle those automobiles one last time. Clean windows are the bright shining eyes of your home. When you have clean windows it looks as though you just built the place last week!! Haha! But honestly, you want your home to look comfy, cozy, AND clean in the upcoming months. Get out that Windex and the newspapers and shine those windows up brightly today. You don't want Grandma pulling up to dirty, spider web windows come Thanksgiving. And you definitely don't want cobwebs on the windows scarier than the Halloween decorations.
Friday, October 12, 2012
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday
East Coast Flair: Fit Friday: Candy!!!!! Hello Readers!!! I am bring my Fit Friday series back due to popular demand and to boost healthy habits during a season of ...
Fit Friday
Candy!!!!! |
Hello Readers!!! I am bring my Fit Friday series back due to popular demand and to boost healthy habits during a season of overindulgence. This Friday I want to help you take baby steps in your adjustment to healthier living. Ok, I know all the candy is about to hit our homes in a few weeks You are either going to have it to give our or it's coming to your house via your own little goblins. Here we go, if you're buying candy to give you can go for low fat candies or something you know you will not eat. Also do not put the treats in your home for days in advance. Buy your treats the evening of trick or treat. Now when the candy comes home via your own kids the game gets tough. Here's one thought, don't go around hitting up each and every door. Just go to some familiar neighbors or friends so that the kids only get a small amount of candy. Another plan is to take the extra candy to give at Sunday school class or any type of group meeting you or the kids may attend. Whatever you do just make sure to remember the key words: Moderation and Safety. Be safe while out spooking the neighborhood, and enjoy your treats in moderation.
East Coast Flair: SHUT UP! I'M BUSY TELLING PEOPLE OFF AND CLICKING ...: Wow! This has been an eventful week. I got a small taste of cyber bullying, had a rude person steal from my trash, and this was all in o...
Wow! This has been an eventful week. I got a small taste of cyber bullying, had a rude person steal from my trash, and this was all in one night! Todays blog brings the topic of bullying and you know what I mean; you make some comments on cyber space and 2 or 3 people back you up and all the sudden, Hero status for you! People acting rude and uncivil, cutting you off while shopping or driving. The fact I threw away a large area rug and no one came to the door and asked me if they could take it home. I threw the rug away because it had my dog's diarrhea on it (too much to spray off) but no, someone stole it before the trash men could come this morning! I see people making horrible comments on Facebook and Twitter about the upcoming elections! Unfriending, unfollowing, and being down right nasty. America, we've got to realize our lives, values, and habits are NOT the same. In my younger years I would argue politics and get ugly, BUT, NO MORE!! I don't want to be apart of that behavior. Now don't get me wrong I can have the conversation but we have to do so in a respectful manner. I think we are seeing the effects of what I call "the reality TV effect." You know, I am going to tell you off, attack you and you're gonna take it. I am going to tweet about you and spread lies and gossip and you can just shut up!
Al Roker brought up an interesting fact the other morning; he noted that he does not care for e-invitations. I thought about it and I don't like them either. He noted his family recently missed a birthday because it came via email. Can you imagine The Roker Family email? It got pushed aside and lost in the shuffle. By the way, please tell me you send a physical card when you give your condolences. We live in a day and age that people want you to text them because "How dare you call me!" mentality. We are living among people that sit home and no longer keep vile thoughts and mean attitude to themselves, they are spewing it all over our feeds. Just for today, do me this one favor, before hitting send on ANYTHING today make sure to READ it! REALLY READ how it flows! Do you come off snarky, rude, condescending? Think, Read, Send! At the end of the day, will what you've said be worth it? Will you gain enemies? Lose respect? If you notice, losing friends, respect, and customers is happening it's just those people are not spewing it all over the internet.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Hey, What's the hurry?
Here we are putting out the pumpkins and goblins and already some people are thinking of Thanksgiving! What? Wait a minute, what gives? I'll tell you who is surely focused on this once sacred holiday: retail employees. Just one week ago I was shopping my favorite bookstore. During my visit I overheard the employee discussing with another location about the 8-2 Thanksgiving Day hours they are keeping this year. That makes me just so sad. Sad for the people that have to work that day and sad for our society that the dollar is more important than ANYTHING. You may be shaking your head or disagreeing with me on this but as you recall last year many opened on Thanksgiving night. That is how I call it because if it is midnigh or later most families are still digesting their dinner. Where are the days of being with family? Enjoying a day of game playing, tossing the football, and watching the games on TV? Where has our respect for the employee of retail that they MAY possibly want to have this small 24 hour period with their loved ones? To all my readers that work retail I'd like to take this time to thank you for all you do and for the shoppers, let's stay in. Stay in until 6:00 am on Black Friday morning. After all, why are you so quick to leave your family and cozy homes to spend the all mighty dollar.
Monday, October 8, 2012
East Coast Flair: Life with Dogs
East Coast Flair: Life with Dogs: To the left is a photo of one of our beloved boxers, Abby. All of our dogs are now medically considered to be in their senior ...
Life with Dogs
To the left is a photo of one of our beloved boxers, Abby. All of our dogs are now medically considered to be in their senior years. Life with these senior dogs has so far not been much different than their younger years. Dogs can be very much like children in the way they both step on our feet younger in life and then your heart as the years pass. The dogs have needed more trips to the vet the last couple of years but nothing life threatening. Not too many meds are given daily, mainly preventatives. Each event that now occurs makes you realize how fast time has gone and how lucky we've been to have raised each one. My one wish is to care for them with respect and treat them humanely. Above all, I hope we are not so selfish in the end to prolong the inevitable only for our own gain. If your family is considering a household pet, decide if you want a canine or feline. Things you need to consider is being able to afford your addition. Some factors to budget: preventative meds, vaccinations, future boarding, cost of a high quality food just to name a few. Check with a reputable breeder or most certainly consider rescuing. Just do you and the pet a favor and try not to bring your addition into the home for Christmas. Holidays can be stressful for our furry friends so do your research and make the best decision for you, your family, and soon to be four legged friend.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Politically Correct
Hello East Coasters! I know I know, I've been absent and silent for far too long. I have been trying to get my plans together for this blog and am going with the flow of me. Just follow along, bear with me and continue to read and share my posts. This week I'd like to touch base a bit on the political, but not to shove my political preferences down your throat. I just want to remind people to be more tolerant and to have productive conversations about your vote and/or party affiliation. I believe when said "with age comes wisdom" is so true. There was a time when I would come to angry blows about political "discussions" but no longer. I find the media coverage seems to be more about catching attention, bullying and picking apart candidates. Long gone seem to be the days of informing potential voters. And don't get me started with the rhetoric in the commercials. Both sides say and promise things that anger me because they are insulting my intelligence. Do your best to read, research, and inform yourselves in order to cast a vote that you are comfortable making. Make your vote with pride and above all no matter the outcome of your candidate remain mature and respectful.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
East Coast Flair: P90X Completion of first round
East Coast Flair: P90X Completion of first round: I have completed my FIRST 90 days of P90X! I feel so accomplished to make that statement because I am also making a validation that I am sti...
P90X Completion of first round
I have completed my FIRST 90 days of P90X! I feel so accomplished to make that statement because I am also making a validation that I am still doing the workouts. It was tough! Some days I would ask why am I torturing myself. The workouts are still a challenge but you do notice you can do more and that you are doing it better. I am seeing more definition and that also pushes you to continue. I played around with the program a bit and did several weeks of doubles. Doubles was rough and not for the faint of heart. Doubles can also give you a sense of burnout too. Anyone interested in the program I would say go ahead and start because you can and will master the moves. I will not guarantee you will be ripped and cut your first 90 days, but you will be new and improved. I have no regrets and feel stronger and better from all the struggles and sweating. Keep in mind also, hydration and clean eating are imperative to progress and performance, because gang, this is NO JOKE! It's the X! P90X!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
East Coast Flair: Trends: Knowing where fashion fits in your lifesty...
East Coast Flair: Trends: Knowing where fashion fits in your lifesty...: Tonight all the excitement of fashion will be in the air and retailers around the nation offer special deals to shoppers that c...
Trends: Knowing where fashion fits in your lifestyle
Tonight all the excitement of fashion will be in the air and retailers around the nation offer special deals to shoppers that cannot be in NYC. I can remember buying clothes year after year and season after season. I look back at the money wasted and all the donations not to mention precious time wasted. What makes one want to follow a trend? I think for me it was a feeling of insecurity. I no longer follow trends. Now don't get me wrong, I love fashion and enjoy shopping, but if I am going to spend my money it will be an investment. I also like to warn of the aging effect that comes along with certain trends. Not only should we watch our clothing but watch out for those accessories too ladies! Trends are fun and can put a punch in your wardrobe but never forget you can be adding 10 years or more to your look. Have fun, enjoy the new collections, and keep it simple. You are not defined by one item in your closet.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Week 9 P90X
I have almost completed week 9 of P90X and the time just flies when you are improving and becoming stronger. I've added some extra cardio in because I want to push along the sculpting of my physique. I can tell you the soreness still comes but I welcome the pain. No pain no gain, right? Also I recommend that you find yourself a good meal replacement shake. If you have questions on what I recommend send me a message monicadillow@gmail.com we can discuss this further from there. One valuable point I will make, mix that shake with coconut water. It's loaded with potassium, vitamin C and has great benefits including hydration. When I add coconut water to my shake the soreness is much easier to tolerate. Where are you with your fitness journey? Have you started? Need advice, motivation and planning? I can help with all the above. Hope we talk soon! Until then keep going, growing, and perfecting.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Rest Week! P90X
Starting this Thursday I will be doing my second rest week! That's right! I am about to go down hill from here. I will do a seven day rest week and then enter my LAST 30 days of P90X. I cannot believe how far I've come. We started the doubles version of the program and today I am going to lay yet another pair of shorts to rest. It is so bittersweet. It was a pair of Calvin Klein shorts that when I bought them I was excited about the size, but they are falling off and too far gone to wear a belt. As far as clothes go I haven't invested much in anything, tops or bottoms. I am not all the way to my goal yet. My size 8's are now loose enough that I think I am a true 6 but I wont stop until I am a true 4. Why a size 4? It was my goal. I have no idea how much I weigh, but I will when I visit the doctor at the end of this month. I no longer care about a number on the scale. I've incorporated weight s in my program so I can be stronger and healthier. Strength and health are my main focus now!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Making Life Decisions
In the light of uncertainty it requires us to reevaluate plans and make some changes. We have no question that Social Security is an unsure program, and that we need to make some decisions to possibly prolong our time in the workforce. I've had jobs and to be honest, not ever been happy completely with any of them. If I have learned one thing in my life, it's this: take control. Take control of your life so that you wont need to rely on anyone and surround yourself with people that only lift you up in life. I am embarking on a new adventure in my life that I've been aware of for over a year now. I've met some wonderful people and continue to meet great people each day. If I am going to work until I'm 80 or who knows maybe longer I want it to be on my terms and with people I've hand picked. I want to grow old as healthy as I can. I want to grow, expand, and become better than I am today. I want to influence people into a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Week 5 and I'm still alive!! P90 X
I finished week 5 of P90X Tuesday and I can feel a huge difference in myself. I have better posture, more strength, and better stamina. I am proud of myself for doing this program and am so excited for the results on day 90. I am proud of myself for finally putting the voice in my head to rest. I just want to tell people that in the Plyometrics dvd one of the people doing the workout with Tony has a prosthetic leg from the knee down. If he is not letting people or the voices in his head keep him on the couch then every one of us in America should hang our head in shame until we get up and get moving!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
We don't drink H2O anymore
We stopped drinking bottled water in our home around the beginning of this month and it was the best decision. I now go to the grocery store and watch other shoppers burdened down with a heavy cart filled with several cases of the thirst quencher. I can use the smaller cart and push away at high speeds and don't have the heavy load to carry when I get home. Now, I'm certain you are wondering how we have not passed out from dehydration. We use the Bobble system. I have the Bobble jug in my fridge and I take a personal size Bobble with me when I travel. I saw the personal size bottle at first, googled the company and found out they make a jug size for use in the home. I feel so much better knowing I am not adding to the piles of plastic bottles. We have a filter on our refrigerator but the water quality in my area is not the greatest. We figure with the filter on the fridge and the one in the jug the water quality is better. I have also heard bottled water is not always the best quality. Check out the Bobble company for yourself and see if you may want to make the switch for your family.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I'm a Failure!
So, sometimes I update you on my fitness journey and tell you about all the wonderful things I do that work and I do this to help motivate you. But did you know that I've had failures and slow downs along the process? Well, of course I have! You know what I have not had? A complete set back. Let me get real honest today; I HAVE TRIED IT ALL! Yes, diets, diet pills, workouts, and you name it. One thing I can say, not one workout I've tried failed me. That is one lesson to take away from today: you put in the work and you'll have the results. Second lesson: no diet will EVER work. NO DIET WILL EVER WORK. LIFESTYLE CHANGE WILL. Do you know what Weight Watchers, Nutri System, and any other program have in common? They are teaching you portion control and to understand that each item that enters your mouth has value. The cleaner you eat the better your results. Nothing you do will last forever except a lifestyle change.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Stay Focused
Are you staying focused on your goals? The upcoming week is a signal to all, we are about to enter summer and if you had any "summertime goals" set for yourself Wednesday will be your deadline. I try to take on the year as a whole, but I do have a goal I'd like to achieve by August 20th. Being that today is Fit Friday, I thought I may touch base with you on the progess of P90X. We are doing great I am noticing strength and some small inch loss. YogaX so far seems to be the most challenging. Don't get me wrong, all of it is a challenge, but the yoga is tough! I've luckily taken yoga classes but some of the poses I've not done before, or they require quite a bit of strength and focus. Yesterday was the fourth time doing YogaX and I am improving greatly. I have the key to this: breath and focus. That is the reason for today's title. I wanted you to reflect on how focused you are in your daily life and activities. Be in the moment, stay focused give each person and activity 100% of you. After all, you'll only have yourself to thank when you achieve those outstanding outcomes and relationships in your life.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
New Product Line I Love!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
I am always reading, studying, and improving myself. I at least like to think I am working on being a better me! Each day I want to be better than the person I saw in the mirror the day before. How do you learn? Patience, persistence, and passion my friends. You see, you have to WANT to become better. You have to Believe you still have lessons to be learned. I hope to be learning until the day I die or just cannot process a thought any longer. I am challenging myself daily to push out of my comfort zone because we don't need to be comfortable. Comfort is lazy, challenge is feeling alive! I want to live to the fullest. Who is with me?
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Don't You Dare be a Debbie Downer!
Okay, sometimes we get into a bit of a funk and you just cannot imagine you'll every be happy again, right? No! That's not right because I've learned from different methods we can practice that being a Debbie Downer does not bring about anything positive into your life. Now I know what you're already saying in that little mind of yours. You are thinking things do not go exactly the way we prefer all the time and you may be right about that, but if you have the correct state of mind life can flow just perfect. In times like these, and we know things are hard for everyone in many ways, we've got to make our own rainbows. I see nothing wrong with waking up daily being thankful for the day, and knowing you will hear good news at some point during the day. Just know the good news can be big or small and pertain to you or a neighbor. Just be thankful, for all the good that is abound.
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